Friday, May 16, 2008

My Home

There was one thing I forgot to mention about last weekend. After the parent seminar I felt like I was literally walking on air, and very proud of myself for making a choice in my life that has paid off so well. However, knowing myself as well as I do I knew that by working a seven day week, the last day of which was going to be a 14 hour day I needed to have a little down time all by myself to decompress even if I did not feel like I needed it. All my friends were headed to a birthday party cookout, and as much as I wanted to throw on some jeans and head on over on my little high, I knew I needed to take a break from the world. Who knew taking a break from the world was so easy to do in northern Idaho?

I grabbed Max and Rosco and jumped in my car outfitted with my new pair of rubber rain boots or "Wellies" as my supervisor so lovingly calls them. I drove a mere five miles to the wild game preserve up the road and set out for my walk. As I approached the swampy pond on the western end of the preserve I stopped for a couple of minutes and just looked around me. There were snow capped mountains surrounding me and it was unbelievably quiet except for the sound of natural wildlife. Within minutes I had set aside my busy day and was enjoying the natural beauty of the world, my world. I was so incredibly thankful in that moment for finding this home, and making it my home. I felt lucky and blessed for living the life that I am living right now.

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