Saturday, April 19, 2008


We had our first taste of spring this week. It was short, but it still gave me something to look forward to. One afternoon I went down to the Clark Fork River with Max and Evan. Max is one of Erik and Kendra’s dogs and he has been a great dog-friend in Buck’s absence. His excitement could not be contained when Evan would break a branch off of driftwood to throw for him. He would start this anxious barking as he danced around on the sand, desperately needing the stick that was about to be broken off and thrown into the water for his retrieval. The river was still low, and as a result a wide bank was exposed that Max could run along, and made for perfect walks and explorations of the riverside. Unfortunately, the water level is already creeping up and eating away at the exposed sand destroying my precious haven. For me there is nothing more peaceful and rejuvenating than walking next to the water, so close I could enter if I wanted to. I am sure there will be new retreats found, but probably not as close to home as this one.

Clark Fork is mostly clear of snow, but in Montana, where the school is, there is still a good foot on the ground in places. Some days it seems like spring will never come, namely today. Just looking outside at the overcast skies and lighting a fire in the woodstove to keep warm reminds me that it is not yet here.

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