Monday, February 18, 2008

Dogs & Moose

Last Sunday there was a close call. Brian and I were driving down the River Road very slow due to the slushy conditions. (Can you believe I was driving slow??) Ahead I spotted two large, yellow eyes moving in the road. "I think this is it!" I yelled to Brian. Brian, unaware of my non-moose sighting was a little confused as to what I was referring to. As we neared closer and I began to see the animal's large brown body I could feel my heart quicken. I was going to see my first moose. I was sorely disappointed when I realized this moose had no antlers and was a simple brown cow wandering aimlessly down the road. *sigh* Perhaps another day. I have put all my friends on moose alert. They are aware that if they see a moose they are to call me immediately and I will come to view the moose.

About four weeks ago I got a dog. About three weeks ago I returned said dog. Apparently, I was not yet ready to open my heart to a new dog. Or, the case may have been that I was not willing to open my heart to anyone. It was very bad timing and I picked the dog up two days after a very trying, and emotionally exhausting workshop at work. I do not think I would have bonded with any dog considering the state that I was in. She was a two year old Airedale Terrier - Golden Retriever mix. She also had a bit of baggage. She was extremely aggressive to Erik and Kendra's dogs, and considering the amount of time I spend at their place, I knew she had to go. This was in addition to jumping up on my desk and dining room table while I was gone at work and decapitating two of my favorite plants. Buck chewed on some things, but he did not kill anything! I also felt I was able to remedy Buck's chewing by showering him with bones and other chew able toys. How do you keep a dog from misbehaving when you are not home when she is a perfect angel when you are around? I think there was major separation anxiety. It all worked out for the best and she has been adopted into a new home. "Erin gets a new puppy 2008" will be postponed until spring...or summer considering the ridiculously wet spring we are going to have when the icebergs of Idaho melt.

another ski trip with the kids tomorrow....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw a cow once two while I was driving...except mine was dead and on the side of the road. Rose and I got out of our car and took a picture of us with it. I can show you some time.
